Software USB Monitor Pro 2.7 berfungsi untuk memantau semua aktifitas USB yang tertancap di komputer/Laptop. Jadi, Sobat tidak perlu khawatir lagi bila ada orang yang Mau coba-coba usil dengan komputer sobat. Intinya, software yang satu ini sangat berguna untuk jaga-jaga jika ada orang yang usil, hehehe..
Fitur USB Monitor Pro 2.7
- Monitoring of data streams between a USB device driver and Host Controller Driver.
- Displaying time stamped events in real time.
- Data search engine.
- User-friendly interface.
- Supports USB 1.x and 2.0.
- Monitoring of IRPs of PnP and Power Management subsystems.
- Real-time monitoring.
- Monitoring of all types of USB Requested Blocks (URB).
- IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_* monitoring.
- Hot-plugged device monitoring.
- 100% software solution.
- Saving captured data to a file for further analysis.
- Simultaneous monitoring of multiple USB devices.
- Restart device stack emulation.
- Gathering complete USB device information (device, configuration, interface, endpoint descriptor).
- Built-in data viewing filter.
- Built-in data capturing filter.
- Easy switching between corresponding outgoing and incoming packets.
- Displaying detailed URB and INTERNAL_IOCTL data.
- USB Monitor Pro 2.7 | 6 MB
- Serial Number USB Monitor Pro 2.7 | 2 KB
Semoga Bermanfaat :D
Thanks To HilmieShare
kalau di pake di PC bisa gx..
BalasHapus@Anak3g: Bisa kok sob :D