Avira AntiVir Premium + Avira Premium Security Suite

Berhubung tidak pernah share antivirus, maka kali ini saya akan ngeshare antivirus yang paling saya sukai diantara antivirus yang lain yakni Antivirus Avira AntiVir Premium + Avira Premium Security Suite , walaupun saya pake yang free bukan premium, tapi disini saya akan memberikan premium, Ok langsung saja...

avira antivir 10 - a new line of reliable and proven german antivirus. this anti-virus, the number of users which exceeded 15 million, complete with innato firewalls, web and mail security services - will protect your computer from many viruses.
> improved user interface
a convenient grouping of options in the settings - both in ordinary and in expert mode.

> function time constraints in the module "parental control"
now you can set time limits for internet usage on your computer, specifying certain hours or the maximum time access to internet resources.

> update module guard
the new module guard restoration function of your operating system in case of active infection. if you notice the malware, access to it blocked, then you can click the "delete" or view the details prior to disposal. now the guard will be able to remove even the not yet known, active malware.

> signature in an e-mail address (optional)
antivir mailguard can now be added to outgoing e-mail signature "checked antivir" or other text, user selectable
os: windows xp/vista/7
interface: english

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